Apropos: Trotskist om Palestina I

From: brendberg (brendberg@c2i.net)
Date: 08-07-02

Eg kjenner ikkje Jean Shaoul, men det er det kanskje andre her som gjer?
Forsøket hans på å laga ei heilskapleg analyse av situasjonen i Palestina
meiner eg er velskrive og intelligent. Dette kan ein bli klokare av å lesa,
og tenkja gjennom. Eg sender dette i tre delar.

Sjølv meiner eg han er på jordet når det gjeld vurdringa av Hamas, når det
gjeld trua på å byggja einskap mellom palestinask og israelsk arbeidarklasse
og mykje anna. Men eg trur det er nyttig å få fram ulike, godt grunngjevne
synspunkt for å koma ut or det skorfestet der tenkjinga står no.

Eg trur årsaken til at analysen hans bommar, er at religion ikkje er
"kosher" i hans politiske tenkjing. Han lir av "gudsangst", som Torunn Borge
kalla pamfletten sin. Og det er jo ingen grunn til. Gudsangsten verkar
lammande, som all annan angst. For undertrykte (og andre) kan gudsfrykt
verka frigjerande: Du fryktar inkje anna enn Gud. Om du ikkje kjenner
personleg trong for korkje gudsfrykt eller gudsangst kan du gjera som td.
Trond Andresen - og la vera å tru på den heilage/uheilage ande, og analysera
religiøs politikk som annan politikk.

Denne analysen trur eg er sterkt farga av gudsangst - og difor vindskeiv.

The political failure of the PLO and the origins of Hamas
By Jean Shaoul
5 July 2002
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Below we publish the first in a three part series.

In September 1993, the Oslo Accords were hailed as the basis for ending the
decades long Israeli-Palestinian conflict and for establishing a Palestinian
state alongside Israel within five years.

That vision is now in tatters. Israel’s Likud-Labour coalition, with the
backing of its US sponsor, has sent in the tanks to reoccupy the territories
seized in the 1967 war and dismantle the Palestinian Authority (PA). The
Sharon government has used the wave of suicide bombings by Hamas, the
political Islamic group, and other militant groups as the pretext for
tearing up the accords and dubbing the PA a terrorist entity.

These suicide bombings targeting innocent civilians are desperate and
horrific acts by young people influenced by political tendencies that have
no progressive perspective upon which to base their opposition to Israeli
oppression. Designed to slaughter innocent civilians, they do not advance
the interests and aspirations of the Palestinian people one iota.

One of the most prominent of the groups claiming responsibility for the
terrorist tactics is Hamas, which is also the most prominent opponent of
Yasser Arafat’s Fatah leadership with its perspective of a secular
Palestinian state. To date Hamas has been the main political beneficiary of
the failure of Arafat’s efforts to secure a political accommodation with
Israeli and US imperialism. Indeed Arafat’s continued efforts to prostrate
himself before President Bush, even after Washington has declared him a
pariah, serves to recruit desperate young workers to the Islamic
fundamentalists as a seemingly militant alternative to the PA leadership.

But Hamas’ reactionary ideology, combining as it does religious obscurantism
with crude anti-Semitism, offers no way out of the present impasse. It seeks
the establishment of an Islamic state in Palestine, with Jews and other
non-Muslims excluded; to be achieved by sending its youth cadre on suicidal
terrorist missions. That such a movement has risen to prominence and
presently commands the support of an estimated 25 percent of Palestinians
can only be understood and politically combated through an historical
examination of the failure of secular Arab bourgeois nationalism and the
stifling by Stalinism and its ideological offshoots of a genuinely socialist
political alternative for the working class.

The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and Palestine

Founded in 1988 shortly after the outbreak of the last Intifada in the Gaza
Strip, Hamas—the Islamic Resistance Movement—is affiliated to the Gaza
Muslim Brotherhood; the political Islamic movement.

The Muslim Brotherhood in Gaza is one of a number of Islamic movements in
the Arab world that owes its origins and modus operandi to the revival of
Islam, the growth of the Muslim Brotherhood and its transformation into a
political party in neighbouring Egypt in 1928. The Brotherhood sought to
restore Islam to its pre-existing dominant status in society, and to make
Egypt an Islamic state based on Sharia law. From this it followed that the
Brotherhood would recognise as legitimate rulers only those who acted in
accordance with Sharia law and oppose the imperialist powers that dominated

It combined this with the advocacy of corporatism and paternalism on the
part of the landowners and employers, as a counterweight to the class
struggle. Its social programme necessarily impacted on every sphere of
social life. While women would be educated and allowed to work, they would
be kept separate from men; religion would provide the core of education; and
the economy would be based upon the principles of the Koran. To this end,
the Brotherhood set up a network of schools, clinics, factories and mosques.
It also built up a network of paramilitary groups, and after World War II,
an assassination squad that murdered the Egyptian Prime Minister in 1948.

Above all, it used religious sectarianism and anti-Semitism in a conscious
attempt to combat secularism and the growing influence of the socialist and
communist left—many of whom were Jewish—within the national movement, and to
divide the working class This was particularly evident in the industrial
city of Alexandria which was ethnically very diverse. The Brotherhood’s
anti-working class axis thus blended nationalism and religion with a
reactionary social programme.

Originally supportive of the Free Officers Coup in 1952 that brought Gemal
Abdul Nasser to power in Egypt, the Brotherhood was outlawed in 1954 after a
failed attempt on Nasser’s life, and some of its leaders and supporters left
for Saudi Arabia and the Gulf.

While illegality undoubtedly weakened the influence of the Brotherhood, its
political decline was mostly due to the growing popularity and prestige of
the secular nationalist movements in the Middle East, most importantly the
Nasserite project and later the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO). For
the next 30 years, the Brotherhood’s influence in Egypt and Gaza was

Egypt’s struggle against the former imperialist powers in the region,
Britain and France, brought Nasser into conflict with Israel in their joint
campaign against Suez in 1956. Nasser was transformed into a hero after the
British and French pullout from Suez. From then on, he took the leading role
against Israel on behalf of the Palestinians and turned to the Stalinists in
Moscow for economic and military support.

The progressive social, economic and political reforms carried out by his
authoritarian regime—the limited secularisation of the state and break up of
the large estates, nationalisation of basic industry and the development of
education and basic services—won him popular support. He promoted political
illusions in secular Pan-Arabism as a political alternative to communism
throughout the Middle East. But Nasser’s ill thought out brinkmanship with
Israel in 1967, in which the Soviet Union played a cynical role, led to the
disastrous defeat of the Arab forces in the June war.

The war created more refugees as Palestinians fled the West Bank for Jordan
and resulted in Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza and annexation
of East Jerusalem. Far from liberating Palestine, it was an unmitigated
disaster. The war demonstrated the impossibility of achieving any unity of
purpose and action under the leadership of the various divided and
antagonistic bourgeois cliques in the region.

The Arab defeat and the discrediting of Nasserism paved the way for two
opposed political developments—the creation of various guerrilla
organisations, which believed that the Palestinians should wage their own
independent military campaign for the liberation of Palestine, and the
rebirth of political Islamism.

Fatah and the PLO

The PLO had been founded in 1964, but was dominated by the Palestinian
notables that Nasser had installed for his own purposes. Yasser Arafat ’s
Fatah group soon emerged as the most important guerrilla organisation. It
amended the charter to assert the programme of armed struggle, and, under
Arafat’s leadership, took control of the executive committee in February

Apart from its commitment to armed struggle in pursuit of democratic and
secular nationhood, the PLO articulated no political or social programme for
the Palestinian workers and peasants. It operated as a Popular Front
coalition, within which, according to Article 8 of its charter, “The phase
in their history, through which the Palestinian people are now living, is
that of national ( watani) struggle for the liberation of Palestine. Thus,
conflicts among the Palestinian forces are secondary and should be ended for
the sake of the basic conflict that exists between the forces of Zionism and
of imperialism on the one hand, and the Palestinian Arab people on the
other.” On this basis, the PLO as a whole was declared to be the “sole
legitimate representative” of the Palestinian people, and the political
domination of the bourgeoisie, through its party, Fatah, was ensured.

With regard to the Arab ruling elite as a whole, the charter proclaimed that
the PLO “shall cooperate with all Arab states, each according to its
potentialities; and will adopt a neutral policy among them in the light of
the requirements of the war of liberation; and on this basis, it shall not
interfere in the internal affairs of any state.”

The PLO could never overcome the political impasse into which the
Palestinian masses had been led by the perfidy of the Arab regimes because,
though it was a genuinely popular movement and contained within its ranks
diverse social tendencies, its programme served to cover over the class
issues and subordinate them to the national question. Notwithstanding its
heroic and often desperate struggles, it represented the interests of the
Palestinian bourgeoisie, which sought a national framework in which to
exploit its own working class.

In effect the PLO arose phoenix-like out of the dying embers of secular
nationalism and as a truncated expression of a movement that had already
failed on the larger arena of the Middle East.

For the next 20 years, Fatah was synonymous with the PLO and the PLO was
synonymous in the eyes of the world with revolution and the struggle for a
democratic and secular state of Palestine. Arafat, as chairman of Fatah and
the PLO coalition symbolised the PLO and he became known as Mr Palestine.
But it was to suffer repeated betrayals at the hands of the very Arab
regimes on which it depended and which it refused to politically challenge.

The defeat of the Arab armed forces in the October 1973 war, despite the
rearming of Egypt and Syria by the Soviet Union, led Egypt to cut a deal
with Israel in return for US aid, isolating the PLO.

The PLO soon came up against the opposition of the regimes of the countries
from which it launched its operations against Israel. In both Jordan in
1970-71 and later Lebanon, the PLO was unable to put forward a social and
political programme for the Palestinian and Arab masses that could stop the
advance of the Israeli forces. Its military campaigns and parades served
only to antagonise the Lebanese nationalists. Their initial support turned
to hatred, paving the way for the PLO’s defeat and exile at the hands of
Israel in 1982.

Within a few years of taking control of the PLO, Arafat himself was ready to
recognise the state of Israel and accept a “two state” solution—for a mini-
and non-contiguous state of Palestine in the West Bank and Gaza alongside
Israel. While various plans were put forward, these were always rejected by
Israel and its US backers.

It was the Intifada, the spontaneous uprising, in December 1987, of
Palestinian workers and youth in the Occupied Territories that drove the PLO
into the arms of US imperialism. It not only shook the Israeli but also the
Palestinian bourgeoisie and US imperialism. They feared that the
revolutionary movement of the masses would escalate out of control, not just
in Palestine, but elsewhere in the oil rich region.

In December 1988, in a statement dictated word for word by the US State
Department, Arafat guaranteed the security of Israel, accepted that a peace
settlement with Israel was a “strategy and not an interim tactic” and
renounced all forms of terrorism, “including individual, group and state
terrorism”. In frank acknowledgement of his humiliation, Arafat said, “What
do you want? Do you want me to do a strip tease? It would be unseemly” when
asked at a press conference to declare his acceptance of Israel.

Modern Political Islam

Israel’s destruction, in the space of six days in June 1967, of the Arab
armies discredited the secular nationalist regimes of Egypt and Syria, and
their backers in the Soviet Union. They had proved incapable of reconciling
their differences, of taking even the most elementary precautions to protect
their equipment and installations from surprise attacks by Israel, much less
defeating Israel.

The 1967 war not only led to the emergence of the PLO, but also spawned the
revival of the Muslim Brotherhood and similar forces throughout the Middle
East and North Africa. The Islamic forces benefited from the crisis of
secular nationalism and were to some extent able to fill the political
vacuum created by the insistence of the Stalinists that the working class
had no independent political role to play.

While the PLO sought a democratic and secular nation state, the Brotherhood
opposed both—seeking instead an Islamic state in each country that would
exclude other religions as a prelude to the creation of a wider Islamic

Within Egypt, Anwar Sadat, Nasser’s successor, started to reverse the
secularisation of the state in order to widen his own base of support. He
amended the constitution to acknowledge Sharia as a main source of law. He
recruited Muslim Brothers and Islamic student activists in his campaign
against those Nasserites and lefts who opposed him. Finally, in 1980, he
made Sharia the main source of legislation. He thereby played a crucial role
in creating the conditions for an Islamic opposition tendency to develop. As
well as a re-energised Muslim Brotherhood, other militant Islamic groups
emerged such as Gama’at Islamiyya, which spawned the splinter group, Islamic
Jihad, in Gaza.

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