
From: asgeir.bjorkedal@hfstud.uio.no
Date: 16-11-01

Stratfor hevdar at USAs økonomi er på vei oppover.

U.S. Recession Over Before It Began
                   November 14, 2001


                   Northern Alliance troops poured into the Afghan capital
of Kabul Nov. 13, igniting optimism that the war
                   against the Taliban will end quickly and the U.S.
economy can get back to making money. But despite the
                   conventional wisdom that the United States is close to
or in a recession, evidence shows that a major
                   recovery is already underway.


                   Since the Sept. 11 attacks, the U.S. media has
popularized the notion that the country is in or on the brink of
                   recession. Such hysteria is somewhat understandable,
given that the destruction of the world's largest
                   commercial space, the temporary suspension of much of
the U.S. transportation network and the evisceration
                   of consumer and business confidence have had a very real
economic impact.

                   But the situation is not nearly as dire as the public
has been led to believe. Although many of the most
                   optimistic pundits pegged a U.S. recovery to next year,
close scrutiny of the numbers shows the so-called
                   "recession" is over. The economy is already in the midst
of a major recovery this quarter, with continued
                   strong growth to occur in 2002.

                   U.S. gross domestic product contracted only 0.4 percent
in the third quarter this year, far less than what
                   many, including STRATFOR, were expecting. When the depth
of the terrorist attacks and the relative strength
                   of the GDP figure are compared, it becomes apparent that
the United States was well into a robust recovery
                   before the strikes.

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