Anthrax - Ames-typen

From: Knut Rognes (
Date: 03-11-01


i noe om anthrax jeg sendte inn til KK-Forum tidligere (Fra Independent
21. okt)
(innsendt 25.10) stod det:

... Investigators have matched the anthrax used in the Florida, New York
and Washington letters. They are all from the Ames strain, a variety
of anthrax developed in the US but also exported overseas. ...

I går kom følgende nyhet:

AFX European Focus
November 2, 2001 Friday 05:24 AM Eastern Time
HEADLINE: AFX World news summary - Anthrax strain originated in US - French

The anthrax attacks which have claimed four lives in the US
originated from a strain isolated by the US military and sold on to
worldwide, a French scientist has claimed.
Professor Michele Mock, an anthrax specialist at the Pasteur Institute in
Paris, said: "Everything points to the fact that we are looking at a unique
strain, the Ames type, one of the most virulent of the various strains of
anthrax bacillus existing in the world".

David Peterson har fortalt meg at

"in 1999, the world say a total of 83 anthrax contamination
cases of a similar modus operandi as the present cases.
Of these, 81 occurred in the United States--97.5 percent of the total. "

Ikke rart US-medier ikke skriver så mye om dette. USA har både laget
helvetesmaskinen og spredd den.

Knut Rognes

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