NATO's splintbomber i Kosovo

From: Knut Rognes (
Date: Tue May 23 2000 - 19:53:29 MET DST


Dette bare for å rapportere nytt om en gammel sak. FN har først nylig fått
nøyaktige opplysninger fra NATO om lokalisering av splintbomber i Kosovo.

Monday, 22 May, 2000, 19:40 GMT 20:40 UK

Boy killed after stepping on bomb

A ten-year-old boy has been killed and two others seriously injured after
walking into a field of cluster bombs in Kosovo.

It brings the number of deaths from mines and unexploded ordnance to more
than one-hundred since the end of the war nearly a year ago.

Meanwhile, it's emerged that United Nations de-mining teams have only just
been given accurate details by NATO of cluster bomb sites in Kosovo.

The director of the UN's Mine Action Coordination Centre in Pristina said
essential information had only been handed over after intense lobbying.

From the newsroom of the BBC World Service.
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Knut Rognes

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