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PhD students in Progress, 1 (Supervisor)


Mariusz Eivind Grøtte
Supervisor: Professor Jan Tommy Gravdahl
Advisor: Professor Tor Arne Johansen

PhD students in Progress, 13 (Co-supervisor)

  Tom Stian Andersen: Nonlinear control of civilian autonomous aerial vehicles
Supervisor: Raymond Kristiansen, Co-supervisor: Professor Jan Tommy Gravdahl
  Ivan Gushkov: Energy autonomous AIAUVs
Main supervisor: Kristin Y. Pettersen, Co-supervisors: J. Tommy Gravdahl,

Marianna Wrzos-Kaminska: Free-floating intervention operations using articulated intervention-AUVs:
Main supervisor: Kristin Y. Pettersen, Co-supervisors: J. Tommy Gravdahl and A. Sørensen


Ingrid Fjordheim Onstein: Deburring Using Robot Manipulators
Main supervisor: Kristian Martinsen, Co-supervisors: J. Tommy Gravdahl


Gianluca d´Antuono: Hyper-redundant robots for maintenance in Big Science Facilities
Main supervisor: Kristin Y. Pettersen, Co-supervisors: J. Tommy Gravdahl, Mario Di Castro (CERN)


Bjørn Kåre Sæbø: Motion planning and control of light-UVMS
Main supervisor: Kristin Y. Pettersen, Co-supervisors: J. Tommy Gravdahl


Eirik Lothe Foseid: Robust motion planning and control of AIAUVs
Main supervisor: Kristin Y. Pettersen, Co-supervisors: J. Tommy Gravdahl


Torje Nysæther: Vision-based Autonomous Docking and Intervention Operations
Main supervisor: Kristin Y. Pettersen, Co-supervisors: J. Tommy Gravdahl


Jan Inge Dyrhaug: Interaction control of light vehicle-manipulator systems
Main supervisor: Kristin Y. Pettersen, Co-supervisors: J. Tommy Gravdahl


Mads Erlend Bøe Lysø: Energy efficient propulsion and energy harvesting for underwater robot autonomy
Main supervisor: Kristin Y. Pettersen, Co-supervisors: J. Tommy Gravdahl


Erling Tveter: Interaction control of light-weight vehicle-manipulator systems
Main supervisor: Kristin Y. Pettersen, Co-supervisors: J. Tommy Gravdahl


Markus H. Iversflaten: Cooperative control for joint observation and intervention tasks
Main supervisor: Kristin Y. Pettersen, Co-supervisors: J. Tommy Gravdahl


Harald Minde Hansen: Hyper-redundant robots for maintenance in Big Science Facilities
Main supervisor: Kristin Y. Pettersen, Co-supervisors: J. Tommy Gravdahl, Mario Di Castro (CERN)


Graduated PhDs, 20 (Supervisor)


Amer Orucevic
"Energy harvesting and practical stabilization of underwater snake robots"
Supervisor: Professor Jan Tommy Gravdahl
Advisors: Professor Kristin Pettersen

Dr. Orucevic defended his PhD degree on November 30th, 2023


Bjørn Andreas Kristiansen
"Energy and time optimal spacecraft attitude control and operations"
Supervisor: Professor Jan Tommy Gravdahl
Advisor: Advisor: Professor Tor Arne Johansen

Dr. Kristiansen defended his PhD degree on December 7th, 2023


Katrine Seel
"Learning for Model Predictive Control"
Supervisor: Professor Jan Tommy Gravdahl
Advisors: Professor Kristin Y. Pettersen, Dr. Esten Grøtli, Dr. Signe Moe, Professor S. Gros

Dr. Seel defended her PhD degree on August 28th, 2023


Erlend Lundby
"Data-Driven Dynamical Modeling in the Face of Data Limitations
Supervisor: Professor Jan Tommy Gravdahl
Advisor: Professor Adil Rasheed, Dr. Ivar Halvorsen

Dr. Lundby defended his PhD degree on June 20th, 2023


Akhil S Anand
"Model-based Reinforcement Learning for Variable Impedance Control
Supervisor: Professor Jan Tommy Gravdahl
Advisors: Dr. Marialena Vagia and Dr. Esten Grøtli

Dr. Anand defended his PhD degree on May 11th, 2023

Linn Danielsen Evjemo
"Additive manufacturing of thin-walled structures by robot manipulator : An experimental approach focusing on arc welding"

Supervisor: Professor Jan Tommy Gravdahl

Advisors: Dr. Signe Moe, NTNU; Dr. Vegard Brøtan, SINTEF Manufacturing, Dr. Raghild Aune, SINTEF Materials and Chemisrty

Dr. Evjemo defended her PhD degree on June 20th, 2022

Mathias Hauan Arbo
"On Robotic Assembly and Optimization-Based Control of Industrial Manipulators"
Supervisor: Professor Jan Tommy Gravdahl
Advisor: Dr Esten Grøtli, SINTEF,

Dr. Arbo defended his PhD degree on April 24th, 2019

Trygve Utstumo
"Asterix - Robotic weed control in row crops"
Supervisor: Professor Jan Tommy Gravdahl
Advisor: Dr. Therese W. Berge, Bioforsk

Dr. Utstumo defended his PhD degree on August 28th, 2018

Michael Ragazzon
"Parameter estimation in atomic force microscopy: Nanomechanical properties and high-speed demodulation."

Supervisor: Professor Jan Tommy Gravdahl
Advisor: Professor Kristin Y. Pettersen

Dr. Ragazzon defended his PhD degree on May 4th, 2018

Serge Gale
"Topics in machine learning and next generation robotics"
Supervisor: Professor Jan Tommy Gravdahl
Advisor: Dr. Ingrid Schjølberg, SINTEF ICT

Dr. Gale defended his PhD degree on November 23rd, 2017


Nur Uddin
"Active Compressor Surge Control System Uning Piston Actuation: Theory, Design and Experiments"
pervisor: Professor Jan Tommy Gravdahl

Dr. Uddin defended his PhD degree on April 6th 2016. He is now assistant professor at Universitas Pembangunan Jaya, Indonesia


Mutaz Tuffaha
"On the Management and Control of isolated Power Systems"
Supervisor: Professor Jan Tommy Gravdahl
Advisor: Dr. Karl Johan Reite, SINTEF Fisheries and Aquaculture

Dr. Tuffaha defended his PhD degree on February 3rd 2016

Christoph Backi
"Modeling, estimation and control of freezing and thawing processels"
Supervisor: Professor Jan Tommy Gravdahl
Advisor: Dr. Karl Johan Reite, SINTEF Fisheries and Aquaculture

Dr. Backi defended his PhD degree on December 10th 2015


Øyvind F. Auestad
"The Boarding Control System: Modelling and control of a Surface Effect Ship for improved accessibility to offshore wind turbines"
Supervisor: Professor Jan Tommy Gravdahl
Advisor: Professor Asgeir Sørensen

Dr. Auestad defended his PhD degree on October 21st 2015


Arnfinn Aas Eielsen
"Topics in Control of Nanopositioning Devices".
Supervisor: Professor Jan Tommy Gravdahl
Advisors: Professor Kristin Y. Pettersen and Professor Thomas Tybell

Dr. Eielsen defended his PhD degree on November 26th 2012. He is now Associate Professor at University of Stavanger


Pål Johan From
"Off-Shore Robotics: Robust and Optimal Solutions for Autonomous Operation".
Supervisor: Professor Jan Tommy Gravdahl
Advisor:Professor Kristin Y. Pettersen

Dr. From defended his PhD degree on May 26th, 2010. He is now Professor at The Norwegian University of Life Sciences


Esten Ingar Grøtli
"Robust stability and control of spacecraft formations".
Supervisor: Professor Jan Tommy Gravdahl

Dr. Grøtli defended his PhD degree on February 10th 2010.

Thomas Røbekk Krogstad
"Attitude synchronization in spacecraft formations Theoretical and experimental results".
Supervisor: Professor Jan Tommy Gravdahl

Dr. Krogstad defended his PhD degree on January 28th 2010.

Svein Hovland
"Model Reduction and Control in Computational Fluid Dynamics"
Supervisor: Professor Jan Tommy Gravdahl

Dr. Hovland defended his PhD degree on October 24th, 2008.

Bjørnar Bøhagen
"Active surge control of centrifugal compression systems. Theoretical and experimental results of drive actuation".
Supervisor: Professor Jan Tommy Gravdahl

Dr. Bøhagen defended his PhD degree on June 16th 2007.


Graduated PhDs (co-Supervisor), 11


Erlend Andreas Basso: Nonlinear and Hybrid Feedback Control of Marine Vehicles and Multirotors
Main supervisor: Kristin Y. Pettersen, Co-supervisors: J. Tommy Gravdahl and A. Sørensen

Ida-Louise Garmann Borlaug: Robust Control of Articulated Intervention-AUVs using Sliding Mode Control
Main supervisor: Kristin Y. Pettersen, Co-supervisors: J. Tommy Gravdahl and A. Sørensen

Anna Kohl:  Guidance and control of underwater snake robots using planar sinusoidal gaits
Main supervisor: Kristin Y. Pettersen, Co-supervisors: J. Tommy Gravdahl, Asgeir J. Sørensen, Marilena Greco
Dr. Kohl defended her PhD degree on October 20th 2017

Signe Moe:  Guidance and Control of Robot Manipulators and Autonomous Marine Robots
Main supervisor: Kristin Y. Pettersen, Co-supervisor: J. Tommy Gravdahl,
Dr. Moe defended her PhD degree on November 14th 2016

Eleni Kelasidi: Modeling, Control and Energy Efficiency of Underwater Snake Robots
Supervisor: Professor Kristin Y. Pettersen
Co-supervisors: Jan Tommy Gravdahl and Øyvind Stavdahl
Dr. Kelasidi defended her PhD degree on December 11th 2015
  Ehsan Rezapour, Model-based Locomotion Control of Underactuated Snake Robots
Supervisor: Professor Kristin Y. Pettersen, Co-supervisors: Jan Tommy Gravdahl and Øyvind Stavdahl
Dr. Rezapour defended his PhD degree on March 3rd 2015
  Walter Caharija: Integral Line-of-Sight Guidance and Control of Underactuated Marine Vehicles,
Supervisor: Professor Kristin Y. Pettersen,
Co-supervisor: Professor Jan Tommy Gravdahl
Dr. Caharija defended his PhD degree on November 10th 2014.

Espen Oland
Nonlinear control of multiple UAVs flying in formation
Supervisor: Raymond Kristiansen, Co-supervisor: Professor Jan Tommy Gravdahl
Dr. Oland defended his PhD degree on November 19th 2014.


Rune Schlanbusch
"Optimal Control of Cluster Satellites for Inproved Remote Sensing"
Supervisor: Professor Per J. Nicklasson, Narvik University College
, Co-supervisor: Professor Jan Tommy Gravdahl and Professor Raymond Kristiansen, Narvik University College
Dr. Schlanbusch defended his PhD degree on March 15th 2012.


Pål Liljebäck
"Modelling, Development, and Control of Snake Robots"
Supervisor: Professor Kristin Y. Pettersen, Co-supervisor: Professor Jan Tommy Gravdahl and Assosiate Professor Øyvind Stavdahl
Dr Liljebäck defended his PhD degree on March 9th 2011. He was awarded ExxonMobils award for the best PhD thesis at NTNU in 2010/11.


Raymond Kristiansen
"Dynamic Synchronization of Spacecraft: Modeling and Coordinated Control of Leader-Follower Spacecraft Formations." PDF
Supervisor: Associate professor Per J. Nicklasson, Narvik University College,
Advisor: Professor Jan Tommy Gravdahl

Dr. Kristiansen defended his PhD degree on May 14th 2008. He is now Professor at The Arctic University of Norway

Post Docs

Pål From

Pål Johan From,
2010-2011, "Modeling and Control of Vehicle-manipulator Systems",
Funded by The strategic university program (SUP) on Control, Information and Communication Systems for Environmental and Safety Critical Systems


Marialena Vagia,

2011-2012, Marie Curie Fellow on "Nanopositioning", funded by the ERCIM Alain Bensoussan Fellowship Programme
2012-2015, post.doc on "Nanopositioning" and "Autonomy", funded by the KMB Next Generation Robotics for Norwegian Industry (NextGenRob)


Arnfinn Aas Eielsen,

2012-2014, "Nanopositioning", funded by NTNU

Signe Moe

2017-2019, SFI Manufacturing

Michael Ragazzon
2018-2021, Parameter estimation in atomic force microscopy.

Mathias Hauan Arbo
2019-2021, SFI Manufacturing



Editor: Tommy Gravdahl, Contact address: Tommy.Gravdahl@ itk.ntnu.no , Updated: April 16, 2024