Teacher Professional Development

I dette prosjektet studerer vi hvordan profesjonsutvikling for lærere gjennomføres i Kina, og først og fremst i Shanghai. I PISA- og TIMSS-undersøkelsene har Shanghai skåret svært høyt og havnet langt foran andre deltakere. Det er derfor spesielt interessant å se på de særegenhetene ved profesjonsutviklingen som kjennetegner Shanghai spesielt og Kina generelt. Blant annet undersøker vi hvordan såkalte ekspertlærere jobber med skoler i distriktet sitt og hvordan det drives systematisk oppfølging og veiledning av nyutdannede lærere.Sentralt i dette arbeidet er lesson design studies og hvordan kinesiske lærere bruker variasjonsteori i undervisningen.
  • Ding, L., & Sikko, S. A. (2014). Enhancing a teacher's fundamental interaction with the textbook through a school-based mathematics teacher research group activity in Shanghai. Presentation at the International Conference on Mathematics Textbook Research and Development (ICMT2014). Southampton, UK.
  • Ding, L., Jones, K., Pepin, B., & Sikko, S. A. (2014). How a primary mathematics teacher in Shanghai improved her lessons on ' angle measurement'. In: Proceedings of the 8th British Congress of Mathematics Education (pp. 105–112). The British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics.
  • Ding, L., Jones, K., Pepin, B., & Sikko, S. A. (2014). An expert teacher's local instruction theory underlying a lesson design study through school-based professional development. In Proceedings of the Joint Meeting of PME 38 and PME-NA 36 (vol. 2) (pp. 401–408). Vancouver, Canada: The International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education.
  • Ding, L., Jones, K., Mei, L., & Sikko, S. A. (2015). "Not to lose the chain in learning mathematics": Expert teaching with variation in Shanghai. In Proceedings of the 39th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Volume 2 (pp. 209–216). Hobart, Australia: The International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education
  • Ding, L., Jones, K., & Sikko, S. A. (2017). An expert teacher's use of teaching with variation to support a junior mathematics teacher's professional learning. In Teaching and learning mathematics through variation : Confucian heritage meets western theories (pp. 241–266). Sense Publishers. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-6300-782-5_14
  • Ding, L., Jones, K., & Sikko, S. A. (2019). Interconnectedness and difference between action research and a lesson design study in Shanghai, China. Educational Action Research, 27(4), 595–612. https://doi.org/10.1080/09650792.2019.1579745. Free e-prints (if still available): 50 free e-prints
  • Ding, L., & Jones, K. (2020). A comparative analysis of different models of mathematics teacher collaboration and learning. In H. Borko & D. Potari (Eds.), Teachers of Mathematics Working and Learning in Collaborative Groups, ICMI Study 25 Conference Proceedings (pp. 110–117). National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Proceedings of ICMI Study 25
  • Sikko, S. A., & Ding, L. (2020). Roles of facilitators and teachers in models of teacher professional learning. In H. Borko & D. Potari (Eds.), Teachers of Mathematics Working and Learning in Collaborative Groups, ICMI Study 25 Conference Proceedings (pp. 548–555). National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Proceedings of ICMI Study 25
  • Ding, L., Sikko, S. A., & Skott, C. K. (2023). Examining the role of facilitators in the context of planning an inquiry-based mathematics lesson. In M. Ayalon, B. Koichu, R. Leikin, L. Rubel & M. Tabach (Eds.). Proceedings of the 46th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (Vol. 2) (pp. 227–234). The International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education and University of Haifa.
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