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Control Strategy for Measurement Performance Enhancement of a Micromachined Accelerometer

Authors:Soen Jonathan, CEA-LETI (Laboratory of Electronics and Information Technologies), France
Voda Alina, LAG (Automatic Control Laboratory of Grenoble), France
Condemine Cyril, CEA-LETI (Laboratory of Electronics and Information Technologies), France
Topic:4.2 Mechatronic Systems
Session:Mechatronic Sensing and Actuation
Keywords: Closed-loop systems, Sensors, Microsystems, Accelerometers, Control system design, Pole assignment, Sensitivity functions shaping.


This paper presents the design of a closed-loop macromachined accelerometer using a sensitivity functions shaping approach in order to reach the desired measurement performance. The controller design is based on an identified model of the plant (MEMS, readout circuit and actuator) and a pole placement strategy. Simulation results and real-time application on a prototype show the feasibility and the interest of this methodology for high performance microsystem design.