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Customer Satisfaction Degree Evaluation Model in Logistics using SVM

Authors:Sun Huali, Shanghai JiaoTong University, China
Xie Jianying, Shanghai JiaoTong University, China
Li Shao-Yuan, Shanghai JiaoTong University, China
Xue Yaofeng, Shanghai JiaoTong University, China
Topic:3.2 Cognition and Control ( AI, Fuzzy, Neuro, Evolut.Comp.)
Session:Soft Computing for Control
Keywords: Support vector machine, Logistics distribution, Customer satisfaction degree, Evaluating index , Model.


Customer satisfaction is important for the development of advanced logistical distribution. The paper presents a novel evaluation model of customer satisfaction degree (CSD) based on support vector machine(SVM). The relations of the suppliers and customers are analyzed, then the evaluation index system and fuzzy quantitative methods are provided firstly. The CSD evaluation system including nine indexes and three ranks based on one-against-one mode of SVM is built. Last the simulation experiment is given to support the theoretical result.