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Variable Frequency Control for SPIDER-Driven Ultra-Precision Stages

Authors:Hashimoto Seiji, Gunma University, Japan
Ohishi Kiyoshi, Nagaoka University of Technology, Japan
Kosaka Koji, Kumamoto Technology Inc., Japan
Ishikawa Takeo, Gunma University, Japan
Kubota Hiroshi, Kumamoto University, Japan
Ohmi Tadahiro, Tohoku University, Japan
Topic:4.2 Mechatronic Systems
Session:Data Storage Devices and Micro-Actuation
Keywords: ultra-precision stage,variable-frequency drive,scheduled-H infinity control,precision positioning


This paper proposes a variable control method of drive frequency for the SPIDER-driven precision stage.Control performances such as positioning accuracy and maximum velocity strongly depend on the drive frequency.At first, the identification experiments of the SPIDER with different drive frequency are carried out.Next the gain-scheduled control strategy for the variable frequency control, considering the variation rate of the frequency is introduced.Finally, simulations and experiments are performed in order to verify the efficiency of the proposed control method.