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Improving local anti-windup performance: preliminary results on a two-stage approach

Authors:Turner Matthew, University of Leicester, United Kingdom
Herrmann Guido, University of Leiceseter, United Kingdom
Postlethwaite Ian, University of Leicester, United Kingdom
Topic:2.3 Non-Linear Control Systems
Keywords: Anti-windup, constrained control


To obtain improved local performance while retaining the property ofglobal stability, this paper proposes a new two-stage approach toanti-windup compensation for systems containing input saturation.The method ensures that (i) if no saturation occurs, then linear operation continues unhindered; (ii) if mild saturationoccurs, an aggressive local anti-windup compensator becomes active and; (iii) if severe saturation occurs a globally stabilisinganti-windup algorithm enters the fray. A notable feature of the scheme is that, for stable plants, a two-stagecompensator will always exist. Another interesting aside, is that simple, possibly ad hoctechniques can be combined to yield a good two-stage compensatorwhich may perform better, locally, than many `optimal' schemes.