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Control Features of a Vectored-Thruster Underwater Vehicle

Authors:Cavallo Emanuele, Telerobot srl, Italy
Michelini Rinaldo, Università degli Studi di Genova, Italy
Filaretov Vladimir, Institute for automation and control process, Russian Federation
Ukhimets Dmitriy, Institute for automation and control process, Russian Federation
Topic:7.2 Marine Systems
Session:Marine Systems I
Keywords: underwater vehicle, high-quality three-dimensional control, position control, trajectory planning, control machinery


In the paper, control features of high-efficiency autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) equipped by vectored thruster are considered. The original design of the three-degrees parallel mechanism is recalled. This mechanism allows to change the attitude of thrust’s vector and, simultaneously, to compensate the screw-twist, applying a torque by means of an independent feedback loop. The control strategy of the thrust vector, applied through a 3DoF spherical mechanism is synthesised and investigated.