Particle animation

Particle animation

Particle animation is a useful method to visualize a steady flow pattern. A three-dimensional grid is displayed, and particles are released at the inflow boundary, moving along the flow to the outflow boundary. The grid and the particles can be rotated while the animation is running, giving a three-dimensional view of the flow field.

The example below is a tank with inflow at the surface and outflow close to the tank floor. Four series of particles are released from four positions at the inlet. The four series are shown in four colours. When particles reach the outflow boundary, they are instantly inserted back into the inflow bounday where they started. This gives a continous simulation.

Two-dimensional view of the grid of the example tank, seen from above

Two-dimensional view of the velocity field close to the surface

Two-dimensional view of the velocity field close to the bed

Three-dimensional view of the grid, showing the surface and the bed, and the flow field is visualized with particle animation

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This page is made by

Nils Reidar B. Olsen

*  * NTNU
* Fakulty
* Department

Editor in charge: Astrid Kolberg
Updated: 26 February 2000



Copyright © 1998, Institutt for Vassbygging, NTNU