
CFD modelling of flow in Graaelva

Graaelva is located west of Trondheim, in an area of marine clay. The content of fine sediment in the river water has been fairly high. In order to protect the river from erosion and also to improve fish habitat, the river was paved with gravel. The current project aims at investigating the improvement of the fish habitat after the gravel paving. Assessments of habitat changes from further changes in the river morphology and bed grain size distribution is also included.

The modelled reach. Water is flowing from the right to the left

Upstream of the modelled reach. Water is flowing from the right to the left

About 1 km downstream of the modelled reach

Depth in the modelled reach. The water is flowing from the left to the right.

Water velocity at the bed in the modelled reach. The water is flowing from the left to the right

This project was carried out by Hans-Petter Fjeldstad, at SINTEF and Hans Mack Berger at The Foundation for Nature Research.

This page was made by

Nils Reidar B. Olsen

*  * NTNU
* Fakulty
* Department

Editor in charge: TorOve Leiknes
Updated: 5. February 2003



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