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I am a researcher on a FRIPRO mobility grant from the Norwegian Research Council. I work in the Homological algebra group at Aarhus University but I am also associated with the Algebra Group at NTNU.

My primary interests are in Category Theory and Representation Theory of algebras. These days I am particularly interested in Higher Homological Algebra, Gentle Algebras and Geometric Models.

I organize the Flash Talks in Representation Theory and the Aarhus Algebra Seminar.

Recent Papers

A characterisation of higher torsion classes

Joint work with Jenny August, Johanne Haugland, Sondre Kvamme, Yann Palu, and Hipolito Treffinger .
We prove that a subcategory is a d-torsion class if and only if it is closed under d-extensions and d-quotients. This generalises an important result for classical torsion classes. As an application, we prove that the d-torsion classes in M form a complete lattice. Moreover, we use the characterisation to classify the d-torsion classes associated to higher Auslander algebras of type 𝔸, and give an algorithm to compute them explicitly.
Preprint with some rather nifty code for calculating torsion classes.

Talks & conferences



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    Department of Mathematics
    Aarhus Universitet
    Ny Munkegade 118
    DK-8000 Aarhus C