Johannes Falnes

(There is an English version of this page.)

Professor i eksperimentalfysikk
Institutt for fysikk
Noregs teknisk-naturvitskaplege universitet (NTNU)
[før 1996: Noregs tekniske høgskole (NTH), Universitetet i Trondheim]

Fødd 1931 i Skudenes.

Eksamen frå NTH, Elektroteknisk avdeling, som "", 1957 og som "dr.techn." , 1972.


Aktiv i bølgjekraftforsking sidan 1973, då Kjell Budal (1933-1989) tok initiativ til slik forsking ved NTH. Tidlegare forskingsinteresser var elektromagnetisme, fysikalsk elektronikk, termonukleær fusjon og plasmafysikk.

Utvalde publikasjonar:

Nokre vitskaplege artiklar:

K.Budal and J.Falnes: A resonant point absorber of ocean-wave power. Nature, Vol.256, pp.478-479 (1975). Corrigendum i Vol.257, p.626 (1975).

J.Falnes and K.Budal: Wave-power conversion by point absorbers. Norwegian Maritime Research, Vol.6, No.4, pp.2-11 (1978).

K.Budal and J.Falnes: Interacting point absorbers with controlled motion. B.Count (ed.): "Power from Sea Waves" (Academic Press, 1980) pp.381-399.

J.Falnes: Radiation impedance matrix and optimum power absorption for interacting oscillators in surface waves. Applied Ocean Research, Vol.2, pp.75-80 (1980).

K. Budal, J. Falnes, T. Hals, L.C. Iversen and T. Onshus: Model experiment with a phase-controlled point absorber. Proceedings of Second International Symposium on Wave and Tidal Energy, Cambridge, England, 23-25 Sept. 1981, pp. 191-206.

K. Budal, J. Falnes, L.C. Iversen, P.M. Lillebekken, G. Oltedal, T. Hals, T. Onshus, and A.S. Høy: The Norwegian wave-power buoy project. Proceedings 2nd Int. Symp. Wave Energy Utilization, Trondheim-NTH, Norway, 22-24 June 1982, pp. 323-344 (ISBN 82-519-0478-1).

J.Falnes: Wave-power absorption by an array of attenuators oscillating with unconstrained amplitudes. Applied Ocean Research, 6, 1, 16-22, (1984).

J. Falnes and P. McIver: Surface wave interactions with systems of oscillating bodies and pressure distributions. Applied Ocean Research 7, 4, 225-234 (1985).

J. Falnes: Small is beautiful: How to make wave energy economic. 1993 European Wave Energy Symposium, Proceedings of an International Symposium held in Edinburgh, Scotland, 21-24 July 1993, (ISBN 0-903640-84-8), pp.367-372 (1994).

J. Falnes: On non-causal impulse response functions related to propagating water waves. Applied Ocean Research, Vol. 17, pp.379-389 (1995).

Nokre inviterte artiklar:

J. Falnes and J. Løvseth: Ocean wave energy. Energy Policy, Vol. 19, pp.768-775, (October 1991). Oppattrykte som kapittel 5 i "Renewable Energy: prospects for implementation" (redaktør Tim Jackson), Stockholm Environment Institute, Stockholm, Sverige, 1993 (ISBN 91-8811672-7)

A. Douglas Carmichael and Johannes Falnes: State of the art in wave power recovery. Chapter 8, pp. 182-212 in Richard J. Seymour (red.) "Ocean Energy Recovery", American Society of Civil Engineers, N.Y., 1992 (ISBN 0-87262-894-9).

J. Falnes: Ocean-wave energy research in Norway. AAM Sayigh (red.), Renewable Energy: Technology and the Environment: Proceedings of the 2nd World Renewable Energy Congress, Vol. 5, pp. 2451-2460, Pergamon Press 1992.

J. Falnes: Research and development in ocean-wave energy in Norway, pp.27-39 i H. Kondo (red.), Proceedings of International Symposium on Ocean Energy Development, 26-27 August 1993, Muroran, Hokkaido, Japan (ISBN 4-906457-01-0).

Sist endret: 1. september , 1997