NTNU ->Arild Faxvaag's homepage

Scientific publications


  1. Brattheim, B, Faxvaag, A, Seim, AR. Process support for risk mitigation: A case study of variability and resilience in vascular surgery BMJ Quality and Safety 2011 Abstract
  2. Leistad L, Feuerherm AJ, Faxvaag A, Johansen B. Multiple phospholipase A2 enzymes participate in the inflammatory process in osteoarthritic cartilage. Scand J Rheumatol 2011;40(4):308-16. Pubmed
  3. Heimly V, Grimsmo A, and Faxvaag A Diffusion of Electronic Health Records and electronic communication in Norway. Applied Clinical Informatics 2011 In press.
  4. Faxvaag A, Toussaint P, Johansen TS. Research management in healthcare informatics - experiences from Norway. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2011;169:980-4. Pubmed.
  5. Faxvaag A, Johansen TS, Heimly V, Melby L, Grimsmo A. Healthcare Professionals' Experiences With EHR-System Access Control Mechanisms. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2011;169:601-5. Pubmed.
  6. Lillebo B, Seim A, Faxvaag A. Information and communication needs of healthcare workers in the perioperative domain. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2011;169:364-8. Pubmed.
  7. Brattheim B, Faxvaag A, Toussaint P. When Information Sharing is not Enough. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2011;169:359-63. Pubmed.


  1. Faxvaag, A, Seim A and Toussaint P. Co-Ordination Support Through Transparency (COSTT): Real-time use of sensor data to improve workflow in the perioperative domain. Presented at UBIHealth-10, Shanghai, China 31/5 - 2/6-2010
  2. Nøhr, C, Faxvaag, A and Lau, F. Monitoring the effects of health information systems. Presentation of Panel at Medinfo 2010 Cape Town, South Africa
  3. Heimly, V, Grimsmo, A Henningsen, T, Faxvaag, A. Diffusion and use of Electronic Health Record Systems in Norway. Presented at Medinfo 2010, Cape Town, South Africa Pubmed
  4. Brattheim, B, Tjora AH, Faxvaag, A. Getting the aorta pants in place: The situated expertise, methods, and materials of the emerging clinical practice of aorta implant surgery. Health 2010 Pubmed


  1. Vedvik E, Tjora AH, Faxvaag, A. Beyond the EPR: Complementary roles of the hospital-wide electronic health record and clinical departmental systems. BMC medical informatics and decision-making. 2009 9:29 Full text in BMC MIDM
  2. Christensen T, Faxvaag A, Lærum H, Grimsmo, A. Norwegians GPs? use of electronic patient record systems. International journal of medical informatics 2009 Dec;78(12):808-14 Pubmed.
  3. Alsos, O, Dabelow B, Faxvaag, A. Doctors' concerns of PDAs in the ward-round situation — lessons from a formative simulation study. Methods of information in medicine 2009 Nov 5;48(6) Pubmed.
  4. Faxvaag, A, Røstad, L, Tøndel IA, Seim AR, Toussaint P. Visualizing patient trajectories on wall-mounted boards — information security challenges. Stud Health Technol Inform 2009; 150: 715 - 19 PDF


  1. Lium J-T, Tjora A, Faxvaag A. No paper, but the same routines: A qualitative exploration of experiences in two Norwegian hospitals deprived of the paper based medical record. BMC Medical informatics and decision making 2008, 8:2. Full text in BMC Medical informatics and decision making
  2. Brattheim, B., Seim, A. and Faxvaag, A. Clinical Processes in an Innovative Vascular Surgeon Community. Implications for Workflow Modeling. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2008;136:371-6 |Pubmed| PDF.
  3. Andreas R. Seim, Arild Faxvaag, Warren S. Sandberg, Pieter J. Toussaint CO-OPERATION SUPPORT THROUGH TRANSPARENCY. Manuscript accepted at EUROMA 2008


  1. Faxvaag A. Er sikkerheten ved elektroniske journalsystemer god nok? Tidsskr. for den Norske Lægeforening. 2007; 127: 2700-1| Pubmed | Full text in TDNLF (Norwegian)|


  1. Vedvik E, Faxvaag, A. The fate of clinical department systems at the dawn of hospital-wide electronic health records in a Norwegian university hospital. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2006;124:298-303 | Pubmed | PDF | .
  2. Lium J-T, Faxvaag A. Removal of paper-based health records from Norwegian hospitals: Effects on clinical workflow Stud Health Technol Inform. 2006;124:1031-6 | Pubmed | PDF|.
  3. Lium J-T, Lærum H, Shultz T, Faxvaag A. From the front line, report from a near paperless hospital: Mixed reception amongst health care professionals. JAMIA 2006 13(6):668-75 | Pubmed| PDF |.


  1. Tjora A, Tran T, Faxvaag A. Privacy vs Usability: A Qualitative Exploration of Patients' Experiences with Secure Internet Communication with Their General Practitioner. J Med Internet Res 2005;7(2):e15 | Pubmed | Full text in JMIR
  2. Faxvaag A, Stokken R, Brasethvik T and Tjora A. COPIM: Collaborative Personal Illness Management: Drawing patients into collaborative health work. Accepted for Workshop at 9th European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work. Paris -France 18-22/9-2005.


  1. Lærum H, Faxvaag A. Task-oriented evaluation of electronic medical records systems: development and validation of a questionnaire for physicians. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making.  2004, 4:1.| Full text in BMC Medical informatics and decision making | Forskdok
  2. Leistad L, Feuerherm, AJ, Østensen M, Faxvaag A and Johansen B. Presence of secretory Group IIa and V phospholipase A2 in chondrocytes from patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Clin Chem Lab Med 2004; 42 (6) 602-610. |PubMed |
  3. Lærum H, Karlsen T, Faxvaag A. Use of and attitides to a hospital information system by medical secretaries, nurses and physicians deprived of the paper-based medical record. A case report. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 2004, 4:18. | Full text in BMC Medical informatics and decision making | PubMed | Frida |
  4. Nytrø, Ø, Faxvaag, A. Healthcare Informatics towards 2020. I: Infosam2020, Information Society of 2020. Trondheim, Norway: NTNU 2004. s. 127-133 | Frida | Report on IDI web |
  5. Tveit, A., Edsberg, O., Røst, T.B., Faxvaag, A., Nytrø, Ø, Nordgård, T., Ranang, M.T., Grimsmo, A. Anonymization of General Practioner's Patient Records. HELSIT'2004; 20.09.2004 - 24.09.2004. Publisert i: Proceedings of the second HelsIT Conference at the Healthcare Informatics week in Trondheim | Frida |


  1. Lærum H, Karlsen T, Faxvaag A. Effects of scanning and eliminating paper-based medical records on hospital physicians' clinical work practice. JAMIA 2003; Nov-Dec;10(6):588-95 | PubMed | Forskdok |.


  1. Lærum H, Ellingsen G, Faxvaag A. Elektronisk pasientjournal ved somatiske sykehus - utbredelse og klinisk bruk. Tidsskrift for Den norske lægeforening 2002; 122; 2540-3. | Fulltext in TDNLF | PubMed |


  1. Arild Faxvaag, Sidsel Krokstad, Astrid Jullumstrø Feuerherrm, Are B Dalen. PCR-based detection of Human Retrovirus 5 (HRV-5) provirus DNA in patients with RA. Scand J Rheum 2001; 30(1):53.
  2. Feuerherm A J, Børset M, Seidel C, Sundan A, Leistad L, Østensen M and Faxvaag A Association between elevated levels of Osteoprotegerin (OPG) and Hepatocyte Growth Factor (HGF) and risk for Osteoporosis in Rheumatoid Arthritis. Scand J Rheum. 2001; 30(4):229-34. | PubMed |
  3. Lærum H, Ellingsen G, Faxvaag A. Doctors' use of electronic medical records systems in hospitals: cross sectional survey BMJ 2001; 323: 1344-1348.| Full text in BMJ | PubMed |

Before 2000

  1. Kulseng B, Skjak-Braek G, Ryan L, Andersson A, King A, Faxvaag A, Espevik T. Transplantation of alginate microcapsules: generation of antibodies against alginates and encapsulated porcine islet-like cell clusters. Transplantation 1999 Apr 15;67(7):978-84. | PubMed |
  2. Leistad, Lilian, Østensen, Monika and Faxvaag, Arild. Detection of Cytokine mRNA in Human Articular Cartilage from Patients with RA and Osteoarthritis by Reverse Transcriptase - Polymerase Chain Reaction. Scand J Rheumatol 1998;27(1):61-7. | PubMed |
  3. Rødevand E, Faxvaag A, Østenesen M, Brevik B. Artritt etter BCG-behandling av blærekreft. En sjelden komplikasjon. Tidskr Nor Lægeforening 1996; 116: 3212-2. | PubMed |
  4. Faxvaag, Arild, Espevik, Terje and Dalen, Are B. An immunosuppressive murine leukemia virus induces a Th1 - Th2 switch and abrogates the IgM antibody response to sheep erythrocytes by suppressing the production of Interleukin-2. Clinical and Experimental Immunology 1995, 102:487-495
  5. Dai, Hong Yan, Faxvaag, Arild , Troseth, Gunn Irene, Aarset, Harald and Dalen, Are B. Molecular cloning and characterization of an immunosuppressive and low oncogenic variant of Friend Murine Leukemia virus FIS-2. Journal of Virology 1994, 68; 6976-6984. | PubMed |
  6. Faxvaag, Arild, Dai ,Hong Yan, Aarset, Harald and Dalen, Are B. A low oncogenic variant of Friend Murine Leukemia Virus with strong immunosuppressive properties. Archives of Virology. 1993, 131; 265. | PubMed
  7. Faxvaag, Arild, Espevik, Terje and Dalen, Are B. Multiple derangements of cytokine homeostasis in retrovirus infected mice. Cellular immunology. 1993, 150; 247. | PubMed |
  8. Faxvaag, Arild, Moen,Torolf and Dalen, Are B. Polyclonal activation of B-lymphocytes and induction of autoimmunity in retrovirus infected NMRI mice. Scandinavian Journal of Immunology. 1993, 38; 459-462. | PubMed |
  9. Midelfart, Anna, Faxvaag, Arild, Schei, Berit, Bjørnstad - Pettersen, Helge . Lønns og arbeidsvilkår for amanuenser og lektorer. Tidsskr. for den Norske Lægeforening 1992.
  10. Espevik, Terje, Waage, Anders, Faxvaag, Arild and Shalaby, M. Refaat. Regulation of Interleukin-2 and Interleukin-6 production from T-cells: Involvement of Interleukin-1Alpha and Transforming Growth Factor-Beta. Cellular immunology 1990, 126; 47-56. | PubMed 

arild.faxvaag [at] ntnu.no